Entries by vwa

Rewarded with 4 tulips…

Last week we had a visit from a mystery guest from Bed & Breakfast Netherlands. We were assessed during this visit which would decide on how many tulips were to be rewarded. Tulips are similar to the star rating standards for hotels. Our mystery guest was very happy and gave us a wonderful commentary. “The […]

Here we go…

Planning permissions given, compared the quotes and now construction starts. After a 2.5 years wait, the permit has finally come through. Today we have made a start with the preparations for the expansion of the dairy barn. To this end, we will first make alterations to the field where we house our goats and sheep. […]

It’s spring!

Spring is in full swing, the tulip fields are full of beautiful colours. On 11th April ‘Dronterland’ officially opened itstulip routes. There is a walking, cycling and car routeorganised where you will pass several beautiful colourfulfields that are a must see. The routes have been opened up until Sunday 3rd May and can be downloaded […]

Promotie Tulpenroutes in Dronterland

Preparations are in full swing for the tulip festival in Eastern Flevoland. Dronten has been willing to promote the tulips routes in “Dronterland”. You will be able to find a walking, cycling and a car route on thewww.tulpenroutedronterland.nl.   The car route ends up on our farm. On Saturday 11 and 18 April and Monday 27 […]

Happy and uphappy news

De afgelopen maand hebben we afscheid genomen, maar zijn we ook verblijd met een geboorte. Op donderdag 29 januari hebben we afscheid genomen van het oudste paard. Met zijn ruim 28 jaar was het voor Spencer geen waardig leven meer. Ondanks dat hij nog goed at, kon hij zich niet meer warm houden en viel […]